Sunday, January 31, 2016

Comfortably Unaware: What We Choose To Eat Is Killing Us

Comfortably Unaware by Richard Oppenlander was a very eye-opening read for me. The main concept behind this novel is that the foods making up our diets are actually harmful to the environment. Personally, I thought this was a very interesting take on the subject of diets due to the fact that it is not about the health of the person but the health of the environment. When people buy food they usually are not thinking about how it affects the environment. No one realizes the true cost of the items they buy, most specifically food.

The points made by Oppenlander were a bit surprising because it really is a subject that is not usually discussed or thought about regularly. What I found most interesting about this novel was that Oppenlander did more than just state the issue. He went into great detail explaining the problem and a possible solution. Also, he did not just focus on the doom and gloom of the situation, unlike the novel Eaarth.

The most shocking aspect of this novel is how many different things are affected by which foods we chose to purchase and eat. Oppenlander discussed many issues that branched off of global warming and climate change. I was quite surprised to read that the air we breathe (along with a multitude of other things) are greatly affected by the foods we ingest. Once again, a very informational and interesting read that has expanded my current knowledge of climate change. I would deeply recommend this novel to anyone and everyone, so they can be well-informed on this subject.  

For more information about this book and the subjects it discusses, please go watch this short video!


  1. I think that this sounds like a really interesting read. In the documentary I am watching for class, a scientist discovered that America produces about 200 million metric tons of carbon dioxide from all of the cheeseburgers we eat on average each year. You'd never think that about what you're eating, but I think it's really important that we spread that information in order to help make people aware and bring about some change.

  2. I would actually really like to read this book. I took a class sophomore year that briefly discussed how the food we grow affects the environment and it was shocking. Even thought Dr. Allen only assigned us one book I think I will end up buying and reading most of what the rest of the class is reading.

  3. This is such an insterestinf topic! Did your book say anything about the effects of a vegetarian/vegan diet on the environment? Things like farmers markets and growing your own food seem like they would impact the environment in a less destructive way than huge farming practices.

  4. I never thought that the foods I eat can make a difference. I wonder what type of diet has the least amount of effect on the environment.

  5. I'd be very interested to learn more specifics about this. What are the healthiest foods to eat? What is a possible solution to this problem? Food is definately not something that comes to the top of my list when i think about what is causing climate change. Every time i think im getting close to understanding this topic there is another whole aspect of it that is introduced.

  6. I've always heard that we will have to eat less meat in the future to help fight climate change but never really knew why. It was something I didn't want to accept quite honestly. I can't believe how interconnected all of our habits are when it comes to climate change and how the damage we do to the environment seems to be damaging everything else in the process.

  7. This is a book I would really like to read!. For a long time I was a person who had a very strict diet. I tried my best to be conscious about where and how the food in my diet was actually grown and how it affected the planet. Finding sustainable farms that don't over use the land and destroy the soil is very important. I believe this is a topic that needs to be more in the headlines when it comes to climate change!

  8. This book sounds very interesting. I never would have thought about how the production of the foods I am eating can effect the world. It also seems like it would be hard finding a good diet for you and the environment.

  9. It's crazy how each food item we consume has such a varied impact on the environment. The effects can come from cattle or corn, two very different species with two very different effects on the environment. Growing corn can mess with the composition of the soil holds thus affecting what can and cannot be grown there, while cattle release such insane amounts of methane into the atmosphere that greatly contribute to green house gases in the atmosphere and thus climate change.

  10. I'm glad you're inspired by this book like me. I look forward to reading more with you and to being able to discuss it together. I'm sure even more things will come up that will teach us way more than we ever thought existed about our livestock production.

  11. Sounds like an interesting book! I'm sure the Author has impacted many readers and it could change your views on everyday life. I never realized how much this factor is tied to global warming.
